Safety and rescue

Safety and rescue

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The safety technique course aims to impart the basic skills that a kayaker must have to manage risks and complicated situations that may arise during navigation.

The course will be carried out in calm sea conditions (grade 0 – Douglas scale)


The participant must be enrolled in the ASD AZENKAYAK


The company provides the sea kayak, paddle, and life jacket.

The participant will need to provide the remaining equipment (e.g., dry jacket, wetsuit, booties, etc.).

Course topics

  • Familiarity with the use of safety accessories (bilge pump, throw line, tow line, paddle float, etc.)
  • Techniques for exiting and re-entering the kayak in shallow and deep waters
  • Self-rescue and assisted rescue techniques
  • Correct behaviours in case of accidents (man overboard, injury, illness)
  • Low braces and stability exercises
  • Knots and carabiner usage

Costs and duration

The cost is 80 euros per person, and the duration may vary depending on the weather and the participants’ needs.

At the end of the course, a certificate of participation from ASD AZENKAYAK will be issued.