Eskimo roll

Eskimo roll

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The Eskimo roll or rolling course is aimed at those who want to have greater confidence in using a kayak. Rolling is an essential technique in some disciplines (such as canoe polo, surf kayaking, etc.) and is used to right the kayak after capsizing without opening the spray skirt.

It can be performed using either the paddle or hands.


The participant must be enrolled in the ASD AZENKAYAK


The company provides the sea kayak, paddle, and life jacket.

The participant will need to provide the remaining equipment (e.g., dry jacket, wetsuit, booties, etc.).

A sea mask is necessary

Course topics

  • Low braces
  • High braces
  • Inverted static apnea
  • Behaviours to adopt in case of technique failure
  • The Eskimo roll or rolling technique

Costs and duration

The cost is 80 euros per person, and the duration may vary depending on the weather and the participants’ needs.

At the end of the course, a certificate of participation from ASD AZENKAYAK will be issued.