Stintino – Granite trail (round trip)

Stintino – Granite trail (round trip)

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A must-visit for anyone exploring northern Sardinia. The Pelosa beach (our starting point) is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful beaches on the island. Its pristine sandy shore contrasts with the dark rocks of Capo Falcone, while its crystal-clear waters, with their enchanting colors, lead us on an enchanting journey. Continuing westward, we circumnavigate the flat island on its western side before docking at Asinara for a coffee break at the Fornelli pier. We then skirt along Asinara’s eastern side. Passing Punta Barbarossa, our journey continues towards Punta li Giorri, where we’ll stop for lunch. In the early afternoon, we’ll explore the granite trail before making our way back.

Please note,

Each tour is a coastal navigation course. The price is per person and includes the use of equipment (kayak, jacket, spray skirt, buoyancy aid, dry bag) and the association membership card with related insurance;

Meals and accommodation are the responsibility of the participant. The instructors are not responsible for the participant’s personal equipment (mobile phone, keys, camera, etc.);

Dates, times, and routes are to be agreed upon and may vary based on weather conditions or the participants’ needs;

Recommended equipment;

  • Water
  • High calorie snack
  • Beach towel
  • Booties
  • Hat
  • Lycra shirt
  • Sunscreen

About your snack, it’s best to avoid foods that are hard to digest or easily perishable;