Stintino-Cala d’Oliva (two days)

Stintino-Cala d’Oliva (two days)

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Weigh anchor, it’s time to set sail. Waiting to welcome us is the fine sand of Stintino. This time we’re heading northeast. Leaving Isola Piana to our left, we’ll reach the Fornelli pier where we’ll make our first coffee break. Setting our compass to the east, we’ll pass Punta Barbarossa (named after the pirate). Further ahead awaits Cala Li Giorri (a stop is a must) before continuing along the granite trail. An area under maximum environmental protection, hence inaccessible, awaits us, forcing us into a stretch of pure navigation for about 3 km before continuing along the coast to Cala Reale. Near Cala Reale, we find a submerged archaeological site with approximately 39 thousand artifacts. A little further, we come across the defensive tower of Trabuccato. The next swim is planned at Cala dei Detenuti, then after one final effort and we’ll arrive at Cala d’Oliva for a well-deserved rest. The second day follows the reverse route;

Please note,

Each tour is a coastal navigation course. The price is per person and includes the use of equipment (kayak, jacket, spray skirt, buoyancy aid, dry bag) and the association membership card with related insurance;

Meals and accommodation are the responsibility of the participant. The instructors are not responsible for the participant’s personal equipment (mobile phone, keys, camera, etc.);

Dates, times, and routes are to be agreed upon and may vary based on weather conditions or the participants’ needs;

Recommended equipment;

  • Water
  • High calorie snack
  • Beach towel
  • Booties
  • Hat
  • Lycra shirt
  • Sunscreen

About your snack, it’s best to avoid foods that are hard to digest or easily perishable;